1.Every student must possess a School Diary which should be broughtto the school daly. se DISCIPLINE AND CONDUCT RULES sha ho

2. The parents should check the diary regularly for home word and for teacher’s remarks if any.

3. Every student is urged to contribute to the hightone of the school through his conduct and performance.

4. It is compulsory for every student to attend the school in complete uniform. Student with incomplete school uniform will not be allowed to enter the school.

5. Students who come to school on foot school reach the school In time for school assembly. If they reach late they will not be allowed to enter the school premises. witho th

6. The school is not responsible for goods lost It is advised not to bring valuable articles to the school.

7. Parents or guardians are not allowed to see their child or meet the teachers during active teaching hours.

8. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, In subordination to the teachers and any objectionable activity inside or outside the school premises, rude or disorderly behaviour either during or after the school hours are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student If the student or parents misbehave with any member of the

10. Leave is not granted except on prior written application from staff, the school has every right to expel such student from the school. parents.

11. It Is compulsory for the student to complete 75% of their attendance In the academic year for ellgibility to appear in theirfinal examination.

12. Any communication with the school authorities should be done In written through this dlary.

13. The name, class and section of puplls should be clearly marked on their belongings.

14. Parents are requested to inform the school if their is any change In address, telephone no, etc